Do you think that advertisers have a moral duty to avoid stereotyping people?
Stereotyping is a result of the lack of knowledge on a particular group or community and mass media was for all time held responsible for the formation of this phenomenon. Mass media is often limiting information to tentative statistics and ideologies shared to a wide demographic from only one certain perspective which is bringing the misleading information and facts to an elevated stage. These topics being suggested by media are starting to seep into the cultural, historic and even social mainstream. An example would be how often, certain groups are depicted in a peculiar manner regardless of the inaccurate illustration. Hence, unless the central aim of the advertisement is to raise ambiguities and create prolonged public controversy, I believe advertisers should avoid stereotyping whether the victims of such a contagious form of corruption include a whole ethnic group or even a single individual for countless reasons. First of which is that it’s as clear as the sun that the influence of mass media had reached epidemic proportions and the advertising companies are well aware of the power they hold since individuals are easily and substantially influenced by what’s being represented and conveyed to them.
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